Wednesday, March 16, 2011

what's for dinner tonight - parmesan burgers

I've said in the past that I don't like using measurements for cooking.  Baking, yes, or things can get severely ruined.  Cooking, no way.  I never use a measuring cup or spoon when I cook.  This recipe is the prime example.  Have fun with it!  Add more things to it if you like.  Remove things if you like.  It doesn't really matter.  Especially not with burgers.  Burgers can be the ultimate expirement.

Parmesan Burgers:

1 lb or so of ground hamburger
quite a bit of bread crumbs
1 egg
a bunch of shakes of  Mrs Dash original seasoning
a few shakes of seasoning salt
a handful of shredded parmesan cheese (fresh, not that powdered junk)
a bit of fresh onion finely chopped or quite a bit of dried onion, or a bunch of onion powder

mix it all together, shape into patties (I use my mom's old tupperware patty shaper)
bake, broil, fry or bbq until done

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