Wednesday, March 16, 2011

mommy, apple pie?

My husband taught my son to say "apple pie" last night.  My son kept repeating "mommy, apple pie?" over and over.  I bought a bag of apples a while ago and a lot of them went rotten because peeling apples is my least favorite thing to do - peeling anything, really.  I HATE it with a capital HATE.  I made a little bit of apple sauce with it but didn't feel like peeling the rest.  Then a few weeks ago I bought another bag of apples.  Probably because they were on sale.  My husband has been telling me for a while to "do something with those apples" which brings us full circle to the "mommy, apple pie?" event last night.  So here I sit, working, with a bag of apples yelling at me to use them.  I got out my peeler, a few different bowls (for peels, unpeeled apples and peeled apples, to be exact) and peeled the entire bag of apples.  Ok that's done, now what?  Well, I could either make and roll out pie dough which takes a little bit of time but I like doing, or I could make an apple crisp and use some of the plain oatmeals I get in the bulk box of quaker single serve oatmeal packs from Costco.  Apple crisp it is!  And apple sauce of course, but that's a given.  Oh, so now you want the recipe?  Here goes:

Apple Crisp, Verhulp family favorite

4c apples, sliced
3/4c brown sugar
1/2c flour
1/2c rolled oats
3/4 tsp cinnamon and nutmeg each
1/3c soft butter or margarine

Place apples in greased 9" square glass dish
Mix together the rest of the ingredients and sprinkle over the top of the apples
Bake at 375F for 30 to 35 minutes or until apples are tender and topping is golden brown

*Abby's note* I double the topping recipe or my husband complains that there's not enough.  Even then he still complains haha

1 comment:

  1. you need a starfrit rotato... seriously, it changed my life. I bought it because I was given a whole free crate of apples to make apple sauce, but dude, there was NO WAY I was going to peel all those by hand. Also, it works great when you need to do a ton of potatoes for holiday dinners and whatnot.
