Monday, October 18, 2010

A few of my favorite things - my kids pt 1

Since it's 12:40am already I'm going to make this a quick one. Of course, my absolute favorite things in the world are my 2 kids. They are amazing and so adorable and.....well ok it's late and I'll stop gushing.....for now. As you can see on the left, they are super sweet and love each other very much. Well, my posting today consists of something my Boston (far left) has learned how to do. He is just my little pride and joy and he is becoming such a big, smart boy. My husband and I are always so proud of him!
Lately he is in this identifying stage. He wants to put an identity to every single object he sees and wants to do it over and over. His favorite thing right now is to hold 2 objects and produce one at a time to me as I say what it is. Over, and over, and over, and over....and over. For example, he holds his cup in one hand, and Austin (a backyardigan) in the other. He will hold Austin out, while I say "AUSTIN!" then pull Austin back, produce the cup forward and wait for me to yell "CUP!". This continues until one of us gets bored. Usually me first. Or, he will get 2 more objects to identify them. Over, and over, and over...... To get to the moral of the story I'll continue. This morning I sat down in "the chair" to nurse Callahan (yes, the baby in the picture) and Boston picks up a wooden horse. He produces it forward and says "orse". I almost cried, I was so proud of him! He then picks up his best friend, Mr. Cow, and says "cow". Ok, tear. Next item, cookie. And then the next, his plane. Usually it doesn't go past "wawer" when he brings me his cup. We are always so happy to see our little boy taking in things that we are teaching him and even though he knows every single object that I ask him to get for me, the fact that he's learning to say the items himself is just another thing to make us prouder and prouder every day.

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