Thursday, October 7, 2010

A few of my favorite things - Intro

It's been a while since I've yapped away on my blog. I use the phrase yapped away because I tend to be rather long-winded. I get that from my Dad. I enjoy people that tell long stories, however not that many people appreciate them as much as I do. See, I'm yapping away already :) I tend to go off topic frequently and then forget where I was going in the first place. Anyways.......
I've decided to start a mini-series about things that I love. Products, my family, why, where and what. If I'm out in public I get asked about my stroller all the time, and if I end up talking to people in the lineups about random things, usually I'm touting a product that I'm purchasing. I really should be a good salesperson, however I'm not into being pushy. I'm just very personable. My greatest accomplishment (sarcasm) was when I worked at 7-Eleven and we had a deal going on where if you bought 10 packs of smokes, it was a better deal than to purchase a few packs. Cheaper in the long run, really. Well, a customer came in and purchased 1 pack so I asked him if he would purchase 10 because it's a better deal. He did. Yep, I upsold cigarettes. I was a smoker at the time too so don't judge me!!
Okay okay I started yapping again. Well anyways, the whole point of this posting is to inform you of my upcoming mini-series about my favorite things. Just so you can keep an eye out for it if you're interested. I seem to have a good influence on the people at wal-mart and Costco when I tout the goods in my hands, so, maybe my information will be of help to yourselves as well!

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